
The purpose of the C Toolkit is to provide the skeleton of a program in C organized around an event loop and a task scheduler. The library includes a list manager, a command processor and a scheduler.

The execution of a function managed by the scheduler can be programmed at a given time, repeated at regular intervals, a certain number of times or infinitely, and interrupted on demand.

The command processor adds the possibility to interact with the program from the keyboard. The input line is automatically analyzed. The corresponding function is called with the number of arguments of the command-line and an array containing all the arguments from the command-line.

The list manager offers a memory model for data which is dynamic, versatile and efficient.

Using the library is illustrated by an example program which prints two messages on demand at regular intervals. To stop the display, the user can type a command which stops the tasks immediately or after a given delay.

The C Toolkit is for free for all. The source code is public.


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