1. #include <iostream>
  3. using namespace std;
  5. class X
  6. {
  7. public:
  8.     X() { p = new int[ 2 ]; cout << "X()\t"; }
  9.     void f( ) { cout << "X::f()\n"; }
  10. #if 0
  11.     ~X() { delete [] p; cout << "~X()\n"; } // memory leak
  12. #else
  13.     virtual ~X() { delete [] p; cout << "~X()\n"; }
  14. #endif
  15. private:
  16.     int *p;
  17. public:
  18.     int a;
  19. };
  21. class Y : public X
  22. {
  23. public:
  24.     Y() { q = new int[ 1022 ]; cout << "Y(): Y::q = " << q << "\t"; }
  25.     ~Y() { delete [] q; cout << "~Y() "; }
  26.     void f( ) { cout << "Y::f()\n"; }
  27. private:
  28.     int *q;
  29. public:
  30.     int a;  // overrides X::a
  31. };
  33. int main() {
  34.     for ( int i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
  35.     {
  36.         X *x = new Y;
  37.         delete x;
  38.     }
  39.     X x;
  40.     x.a = 22;
  41.     cout << endl;
  42.     x.f();
  43.     cout << "x.a = " << x.a << endl;
  44.     Y y;
  45.     y.a = 44;
  46.     y.X::a = 66;
  47.     cout << endl;
  48.     y.f();
  49.     y.X::f();
  50.     cout << "y.a = " << y.a << endl;
  51.     cout << "y.X::a = " << y.X::a << endl;
  52.     X z = y;
  53.     cout << "z.a = " << z.a << endl;
  54. }


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