< Installation | Send data using UDP >
Add the following lines at the of the file /etc/services:
bounce 10007/tcp bounce 10007/udp
Enter a maximum of 2000 characters. Improve the presentation of your text with the following formatting tags: [p]paragraph[/p], [b]bold[/b], [i]italics[/i], [u]underline[/u], [s]strike[/s], [quote]citation[/quote], [pre]as is[/pre], [br]line break, [url]http://www.izend.org[/url], [url=http://www.izend.org]site[/url], [email]izend@izend.org[/email], [email=izend@izend.org]izend[/email], [code]command[/code], [code=language]source code in c, java, php, html, javascript, xml, css, sql, bash, dos, make, etc.[/code].