Somme d'une suite de nombres au carré

  1. #include <stdlib.h>
  2. #include <stdio.h>
  4. main() {
  5.     int n, sum = 0;
  6.     int i;
  8.     printf("Enter number of squares to add: ");
  9.     scanf("%d", &n);
  11.     for ( i = 1; i <= n; i++ )
  12.         sum += i*i;
  14.     printf("Sum of the squares is %d\n", sum);
  16.     exit(0);
  17. }
$ gcc -o sum2 sum2.c
$ ./sum2
Enter number of squares to add: 1
Sum of the squares is 1
$ ./sum2
Enter number of squares to add: 2
Sum of the squares is 5
$ ./sum2
Enter number of squares to add: 3
Sum of the squares is 14
$ ./sum2
Enter number of squares to add: 4
Sum of the squares is 30
$ ./sum2
Enter number of squares to add: 0
Sum of the squares is 0
$ ./sum2
Enter number of squares to add: -1
Sum of the squares is 0


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